Your membership in the GFKT
Below you will find information about membership benefits, as well as the GFKT board and its board of trustees.
As a member you promote
- Training at the HTL for plastics technology (TGM plastics technology)
the implementation of school events and field trips
Projects and diploma theses
With your membership, you will receive
- Access to graduates, your potential future specialists.
- Access to the Austrian plastics industry.
- The possibility to work on your R&D project in cooperation with the higher department for plastics technology, while simultaneously supporting our students with their Diploma thesis on a practical, relevant, and futuristic topic.
- Exclusive invitations to all seminars of the Laboratory for Plastics Technology (LKT GmbH).
- Preferential access to all events of the GFKT, the Association of Austrian Plastics Processors (VÖK), and the TGM.
- The Austrian plastics magazine (ÖKZ)the official industry magazine of GFKT and VÖK – six times a year.
- Discounts when attending seminars or cooperation projects with the LKT.
We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of GFKT.
Please contact us using our contact form. The amount of the membership fee is based on the following classification.
- Individual: 50 €/year
- Student (reduced): 25 €/year
- Companys
minimum amount: 160 €/year
above 10 employees: 220 €/year
above 25 employees: 390 €/year
above 75 employees: 780 €/year
above 150 employees: 1.300 €/year
You are also welcome to set a different amount for your membership.
We are happy to answer any further questions you may have. Simply contact us using our contact form.
Board members of the GFKT
Dr. Markus Horcher (Borealis AG)
Mag. Alois Gruber (agru Kunststofftechnik GmbH)
Ing. Thomas Oprschall (battenfeld – cincinnati Austria GmbH)
Dr. Johannes Kilian (Engel Holding GmbH)
Ing. Martin Baldauf (Gabriel-Chemie GmbH)
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Wittmann (Wittmann Technology GmbH)
DI (FH) Klemens Reitinger MSc. (TGM – Kunststofftechnik)
Ing. Roland Mallinger (2M-Tech GmbH)
Ing. Mag. Dr. Michael Pöcksteiner (Dietzel GmbH)
Board of Trustees of the GFKT
Ing. Christian Faymann (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich WIFI)
Dr. Jürgen Miethlinger (Lenzing Plastics GmbH & Co KG)
DI Wolfgang Kern (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung)
MinR. Mag. Gabriele Winkler (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung)
Ing. Peter Röhrig (MAM Babyartikel GesmbH)
DI (FH) Alexander Schwanzer (ÖVGW – Österreichische Vereinigung für das Gas- und Wasserfach)
Ing. Franz Stadler (Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut der Wirtschaftskammer Wien)
Ing. Frank Böhler (Tecno Plast)
Auditor of the GFKT
Ing. Andreas Eder B.Sc. (ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur)
Ing. Jürgen Zimmel B.Eng. (PHENIX Plastic)